Now, I explain about story of this book. Chip was watching television. The magic key was on the arm of chair. Nadim came to play, but Chip didn't want to play. He wanted to watch television about magpies. Nadim wanted a magic adventure. Chip looked for the magic key, but he couldn't find it. Chip and Nadim looked for the magic key together. The magic key was found in the armchair. It was stuck to a toffee. Nadim cleaned the key. He made it very shiny. The children went into Biff's room. Suddenly, the key began to glow. The magic took the children into a new adventure. The children were in a wood. Then, Biff saw something shiny. It was a beautiful ring. The soldiers came to the children, the soldiers saw the ring. They grabbed the children. The soldiers took the children to the prince. The children were doubted that the children are the thieves. The children were thought that they also stole the magic key because it was very shiny. The soldiers took the children to a prison. Suddenly, a magpie flew down and it took the magic key. The magpie flew to the woods. The children ran after the magpie nd everyone ran after the children. The magpie flew to a tree. Nadim climbed the tree. Nadim looked in the magpie's nest. It was full of shiny things. The magic key also was in it. The children were cleared if the thieves. As the apology, the prince gave the children a medal and he apologized. The magic key began to glow. The children came to Biff's room.
It was very interesting!! I often hear that birds steal the shiny things, but I doubt it is true thing. If it was true, I want to see it. I thought that it is good because the children were cleared of the thieves.
[330 words]
Hunt, R. (1994). The Shiny Key. [n.p.]: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.
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