

BR 2-08: The Ugly Duckling

I read a book. It is "The Ugly Duckling". I had read the book in Japanese before, but I forgot the story. So, I want to read the book and I borrowed it in the library. The book was story by an ugly duckling. When the ugly duckling was a little, he wasn’t liked by everyone. He was bullied and avoided but he didn’t lose. Now, bullying is increasing more and more in this society. There aren’t a few people who commit suicide by bullying. I thought that this book suggests message for such people. For the book that a little child can read, this is deep book.

When I read this book, I also felt pity for the ugly duckling first, but he became swan and he was admitted by everything I was glad of it. I thought other animals were wicked because they avoided and bullied the ugly duckling only his ugly. If I were animal I don't want to do same thing to him. It was good to read this book.
[174 words]

Davidson, S. (2006). The Ugly Duckling. [n.p.]: Usborne Publishing Ltd..


Typing homework 8

My favorite TV show is variety show. I like comedian very much, so I usually watch most variety show. The show I like the best of all the variety show is "Otameshika!" by Taka and Toshi. I like "Kaerematen" in the show. Kaerematen is the project that some popular comedians and entertainers hit Top10 of popular foods in the fast food and restaurant. In the past, Minter Donut, Royal Host, Mos Burger, 31 ice cream, etc appeared at the project. They hit all the foods of Top10. If they can't hit them they can't go home forever. It is very interesting. After I watched the TV show I always become to want to go to the fast food and restaurant that appeared at the show in the day.

[128 words]


Essay2-02b:My learning Languages

I have ever learned 3 languages from pre- school to University. They are Japanese, English and French. There were many trouble and efforts through learning. I liked to learning until I was a junior high school student. Now, I tell you about these languages learning experience. I'm glad to give your comment after you read this.

First, I tell you in my pre-school days. I looked at a lot of things anyway. Toys, foods, stuffed animals...too much things! I took and looked at what I was interested in a long time one after another. And I asked pre- school nurse what it is. Pre-school nurse always answered what it is and how it uses kindly. I learned them more and more. In pre-school, there was nothing I could but learn what I was interested in.

Second, I tell you in my elementary school days. Learning became full-dress in elementary school. I learned hiragana, katakana and very simple kanji when I was a lower grades student of elementary school. I wrote my name in hiragana many times first. Then I practiced to write the other hiragana. After learning hiragana, I learned katakana as I learned hiragana. I kept writing hiragana and katakana on note again and again. I mastered hiragana and katakana and I started to learn very simple kanji next. I learned a lot of simple kanji which means big, river, dog and so on in English. I saw kanji first then, so I enjoyed learning kanji. I wrote many simple kanji on my note like same way and memorized them. I liked Japanese very much at this point.

Third, I tell you in my junior high school days. Learning became more difficult in junior high school. I learned idioms, difficult kanji and archaisms in Japanese class. Idiom forms meaning by combining some kanji. I studied how to read and meaning of idiom. I liked to study idioms, so I always got perfect score on the test. As I was glad for it I studied harder. I also studied difficult kanji. Kanji learning in junior high school was a quite different from kanji learning in elementary school. The order to write kanji became complicated. But I still liked kanji very much at this point. Therefore, I studied harder and got perfect score on kanji test, too. I started to learn archaism. I learned basic archaism in junior high school, so I could keep up learning archaism. Also, as studying archaism was first time for me I was interested in it. I started to study English. Before I study English I was worried that I can memorize English words, pronounce English propery and so on. But my anxiety changed quickly. I very much enjoyed studying English. I really liked English. I learned basis words, vocabulary, sentences, pronunciation and listening. I could study English without pain because I liked English. I always got good score.

Fourth, I tell you in high school days. Learning became very difficult for me from high school. Text became only books that is used very difficult expression. Since this point it was trouble for me to learn. Everything was difficult for me in Japanese class. Idioms, kanji, archaisms...everything! Even if I studied harder I couldn't get good score on Japanese test. I came to hate Japanese. Studying English was as difficult as Japanese, but I didn't come to hate English except for listening. I was poor at listening then. I usually got good score on English test, but I couldn't get good score on listening test. As I had liked English I proceeded way of English in University.

Fifth, I tell you about learning in University. I hardly have Japanese learning, but I studied Japanese sentence expression. I practiced to write paper in the class. I didn't like the class because I'm not good at writing sentence. I did my best. I got the credit possibly. I am taking writing, reading, listening, speaking and grammar concerned English. They make me fun and worried. I am very busy because I have what to do a lot, but I study hard now. Class I like the best of all the classes is Listening because I can watch some video in the class. I also learned French as second language when I was in first grade. It was very difficult! The structure was similar to English but the other was different. French must change form of verb by subject. I had trouble with it very much. French is the most difficult language for me, so I don't like French. I went to Minnesota in this summer for homestay program. I could study English a little deeper there. Homestay program became my good learning language experience.

I thought that I had enjoyed studying at that time. I don't like Japanese now, but I like Japanese until I was a junior-high school student. I think that I liked not only Japanese but also the other subjects. As I was glad to get good score I studied harder and I got good score again. That time was the repetition. I don't enjoy studying now because learning became more and more difficult. I want to remember feeling of that time again. I like English the best of all my learning languages. I thought that I try to do my best more by writing this essay.

[891 words]


BR 2-07: Chicken Licken

I read a book “Chicken Licken”. This was a story by some animals. Main character is Chicken Licken and he was fearful. Because of his fear, a acorn changed sky's falling. I have experience like the same. Owing to my belief, I got people around me into trouble. I had no excuse for it. I read this book and I remembered it. I decided to be careful.I thought Chicken Licken was cute because he thought the sky was falling. We are sure not to think so. Actually, I wondered animals think like this. I also thought Foxy Loxy was fool because he had the mistaken idea though he didn't believe that the sky was falling.

The most impressive character was Foxy Loxy. He didn't believe Chicken Licken at first, but he happened same thing like Chicken Licken. Foxy Loxy was going to eat animals, so I thought that it was good because a acorn fell down to Foxy Loxy. I read this scene, I thought god always see people not to do mischief.

Punter, R. (2007). Chicken Licken. [n.p.]: Usborne Publishing Ltd..


Typing homework 7

My favorite season is spring because spring is the season when I was born. Also, spring is not too hot and too cold. I like flowers which bloom in spring. I like cherry blossom and Japanese apricot. These flowers bloom in spring and the scene turns pink color. It is very cute and beautiful. There are cherry blossom and Japanese apricot near my house. They are very beautiful. I think that spring is cute season. And above all things, my birthday comes in spring. Everyone celebrate for me on my birthday. I also get many presents from everyone. I can become a leading character only the day. I think that I will be the happiest person only the day. From these reasons, I like spring the best of all the seasons.

[131 words]


Typing homework6

There are some my favorite sports to watch. My best sport is valley ball because girl's all-Japan valley ball team is pretty strong all over the world and I like valley ball. Now, girl's all-Japan valley ball team is No.5 or No.6 in world ranking. I like Takeshita player the best of all- Japam team. Her position is setter and she is a very good setter. She is called the best setter all over the world. I think so but she will probably retire soon. I am worried that a setter appear such as being equal Takeshita player. I want Takeshita player not to retire. World tournament is held now. Of course, I am watching it. It is interesting and exciting.
[121 words]


BR 2-06: The Boy who cried Wolf

I read a book "The Boy who cried Wolf". This book is one of Aesop's Fables. This is a story that a little boy lost his trust from villagers by too much lies. After I read this book, I thought that the lie is bad. I thought so from before, but I felt so strongly again. But I have told a lie, then I felt a pang of guilt regardless of telling a lie on my own. If I tell a lie, someone told a lie doesn't think it is good and I don't think it is good, too. So I decided not to tell a lie.This book suggests everyone think lie is bad. I thought this is message from Aesop.

[121 words]


Aesop, . (2008). The Boy who cried Wolf. [n.p.]: Usborne Publishing Ltd..